Friday, January 21, 2011

History of Photography Cyanotypes Exhibit

This was the most curious exhibit for me to design. Jeremias Paul, a photography professor, was given the opportunity to teach the "History of Photography" class and during one of his many lectures, we discussed cyanotypes and their influence on the evolution on photography. As a class experiment, we were given the opportunity to make cyanotypes ourselves and I offered to take the cyanotypes and make an exhibit. With the help of the "Museum and Gallery Practices" class we mounted the cyanotypes with mat and hand made the labels indicating the title and artist using the cyanotype medium. It was exhibited in the hallway of the Performing Arts building and remained there for six weeks. Using an actual medium to interpret an exhibit was one of the more risky moves I made in designing exhibits, but found the outcome satisfying. It was the first time I had actually used an artful medium to display art and it felt unusual to interpret an exhibit so boldly. The majority of our class were not art majors and had never attempted an artful project, so Jeremias decided to have a wine and cheese opening for the exhibit, perhaps the only one we would ever have exhibiting work we made on our own.

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